Sunday, November 4, 2012

Animated music video {Japanese style}

Because I love all things animae and Japanese and Graham-cracker has OK's this...
HIDETAKE TAKAYAMA 「Express feat. Silla (múm) 」 Music Video from kohta0130 on Vimeo.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Who is the guilty dog???
Click here to see this hilarious video!
You really need to click over and watch this!  And enjoy a good laugh!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Hershey's chocolate brownie recipe

Today for our Wednesday cooking class we made the best - and easy - chocolate brownies...using Hershey's chocolate (of course) mom and I agree that Hershey's is the best chocolate you can find!

She keeps the recipe in her "Best Recipes", handwritten, 3-ring binder cookbook that she has all the best recipes from her mom, Poppa's mom, and the ones she has found over the years...this Hershey's brownie recipe came from a can of Hershey's chocolate, so even tho' it is handwritten in the binder, now you can find it online, too...but just so you get the RIGHT recipe, here are the links:

The brownies:
(Mom adds a teaspoon of salt to the flour - I think it helps take down the sweetness of the chocolate just a bit...)

The frosting:

Preparation tip:  Make sure you leave a little batter in the bowl for licking!

They are delicious!  Poppa snarfed one right up as soon as he got home from work...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

My answer to 3 superstitions

See a pin, pick it up - then you won't have to worry about stepping on it.

See a penny, pick it up and you can go spend it!

I don't believe horse-shoes are good luck - well, if a horse lost his shoe, that is bad luck for him!

By Angel

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Mr. Wasp

Well, as supper was cooking...and just about to be set on the table, a wasp was discovered by yours truly! Now being a little girl scientist combo myself, I had to experiment! As you might commonly know (but mom doesn't) I have done this before. If you are willing to try this experiment yourself, you need 1 grandma/mom, 1 shoe, 1 drinking glass and a piece of paper, and a pocket knife from your dad's pocket or desk drawer.

Step 1: Find a wasp. Preferably one that has gotten in the house. These are easier to catch. Get the wasp to cling to the piece of paper. Quickly place the glass over the paper with wasp attached.

Step 2: Use the shoe to "whack" it gently so it is stunned and not careful as wasps do have stingers!

Step 3: Once you have stunned it, you use the pocketknife to cut off the stinger. Do not use a napkin to clean the knife after use, thinking that the knife is dirty, as you might cut your finger. I know this from experience...moving on...

Step 4: After this experiment, you are free to cut off the wasp's head. Examine the head and body as desired. Dispose of the wasp body. Wash the tools and put them back in their proper places...except for the knife. Let your dad take care of washing the knife - he's experienced!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

I wanted grandma to post this to my is VERY GOOD! If you love dogs and God, you will love this!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Sunday

This was a good Easter!

I got the best basket ever! I got a Webkins bunny, a little stuffed bunny, Cadbury creme eggs, neopolitan eggs, a "disgusto" bunny (the chocolate really was BAD), and three new "Littlest Pets". Plus a lot more candy! I don't like jelly beans, but Jolly Rancher beans are the best!!

I was disappointed though, my dad didn’t come and my “sissy” (my stepmom’s daughter) didn’t either, or my new stepmom. I still live with my grandparents.

Try going to this kind of church – it really helps my dyslexia. It is called New River. This is my church. It makes me feel better, even though I still have trouble reading. You should try it!